Community Resources
Partnerships and connections are a foundational piece of Restorative Transitions. There are many great programs and resources already existing within our community. Our goal is to connect participants with these trusted community partners.
Community Partners
ReCity Network
Restorative Housing
Carolina Outreach
Christians Against Poverty
Darkness Rising
Dress for Success
Durham Technical Community College
Freedom House
Ignite C3 Ministries
National Alliance on Mental Illness
Religious Coalition for a Nonviolent Durham
RI International
Samaritan Health Center
Self-Help Credit Union
Step Up Durham
Wheels for Hope
WorkerSpring Employment Resource
Wounded Healers
Government Partners
Durham Local ReEntry Council
Criminal Justice Resource Center
Department of Adult Corrections
NC Works
FIT: Formerly Incarcerated Transitions
Durham Access
Durham County Libraries
DEAR Program
Durham Probation
Faith Partners
The Summit Church
UR Restored Ministries
In addition to our formal partnerships, click the button below to view other resources in the Durham area.
Contact us.
Email: info@restorativetransitions.org
Call or Text: (919) 726-7055 Leave a voicemail with your name, phone number and a little about the situation for which you are calling, including the name of the potential program applicant, if different from yourself.
Mailing Address:
Restorative Transitions
PO Box 52271
Durham, NC 27717